
Nothing's good comes easy eh? Correct, without you even realize about it. I passed through a lot of things while pursuing my career, hoping to have a good music career and friends, didn't make it. Studied in Indonesia, didn't feel satisfied. As a small girl I always wished for an international life, living out of the boundaries, out of imagination, OOT.

People might see me as a 'different' person, either negative or positive, I don't really care what people really judge about me as long as I stay positive. I am a music person, with big interest of business and economy, history, Japanese culture, language, and so much more random things in my mind. Thanks God, through being 'different' and often being miss-judged, I achieved what I want, at least for my 20's phase. I got myself a soon-to-be stable career hopefully, a nice income to save up more and give back to my parents and the society, keep chasing my passion in writing and music while earning salary, I couldn't be more grateful with everything I have now.

I used to sit alone sometimes in the library when I was in Middle School, imagining myself living an international life abroad, study abroad, daydreaming. I didn't know where life would take me that time, but everything became reality. I'm so surprised. I wasn't a perfect-100%-nice-kid, but God is just kind enough to give me everything that I want. Whenever I'm at a low point of life, feeling quiet depressed, I always remember who life takes me to achieve my dreams and turn those impossible goals into reality. So, I'm not giving up. At all. I will strive everything and work hard to achieve more, I promise myself not to let myself down and under-estimate myself. I will be this confident girl who believe that she can contribute positively to the world and her surroundings. I will!

True that these past years has been really though on me. On the different side, I learnt a lot and I won't let myself fall into the negative valley once more. Please.

I am a music geek.
I am a design graduate.
I am a devout Muslim girl.
I am a modern girl.
I am a book worm.
I am a full-time employee for a trading company.
I am an otaku.
I am a Kpop fan.
I am a history maniac.


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