Durham Trip

It was my first trip other than Leeds in the United Kingdom. Yes, I never been to London before I got to Manchester Airport :) First time here and first time living here for a pretty long time. Koolish. But that's challenging and fun ;)

Went to Durham, a small and beautiful city located in North East England. It is really close with Newcastle, my next trip on  my list. Gotta meet some friends there, bunch of Indo kids! Btw, this is what I got from Wikipedia regarding Durham: 

The name "Durham" comes from the Old English "dun", meaning hill, and the Old Norse "holme", which translates to island.

Trust me you will love it! We managed to go to the famous old church, Durham Cathedral. But Durham Castle was in reparation so.... I didn't manage to step inside the castle :( Only got some pics from the outside part, well better than nothing. Another next time then. And we had a lunch in a..... Thai Restaurant. LOL. Rice-crave!!!! 


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