Hey 2017


It's been quite a while since my last posting on this blog. My new career took 5 days / week of my time, concentrating on something very new for me, working for the client side and learning the whole scope of the business.

Feeling so happy that finally I managed to get rid of all the anxiety, trying to find the light for a better future, building my career, fixing my heart, and behind all problems, I just smile. Waratte ne, still the best cure of all problems. Plus extra dose of prayers.

So now, here it comes the Rooster year which is MY YEAR!

I might be able achieve all the dreams that I've been wishing for so long, perhaps?

Bucket list:

1. Top up my savings, supply more to my parents ;)
2. Be better in everything, personality and skills
3. Start my own small business
4. Back to music life, being productive
5. Travelling
6. Career
7. Love life
8. Friendship

Bismillah, hope it will be a great year for all of us. I'll be updating more to this blog, this is the 8th year since my first post here! Whoa time flies.


Bella Mazaya


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