Holiday, warate guys!

It's holiday now :D :D :D :D :D

Yay holiday! We love that word, and two weeks ago Im no longer a high school student. But Im also a college student, Lasalle College International. Computer graphic....... It's not that easy as it sounds but I'll try my best to be a good student. Haha.

Dear my beloved guys, 

There are some lessons that I could get the morals from em' from this holiday. Mixed up! Between <3 life, friendship, career, family, everythin. Im feeling better now. I fixed those problems and yeah, Im able to get out from those tricky ways. Finally, thanks to Allah as The Only God !

I hurt their feelings, with my words, with my attitudes, Im trying to show more respect to them and appriciate them :) 

Please please and please.. Understanding each other is the main thing, it's the key to have a success life. ROCK ON GUYS !

And yeahhh stay coooool Im goin to post more blog, holiday, I have free time. 

- Bella Mazaya

Punchoman! The character I made via Adobe Illustrator CS3 and Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended Version. Thanks Lasalle for teachin me how to do these kind of stuff :D Hihi.



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