Hello 2020, it's almost 2021
Hi everyone who happen to read my blog!
I haven't post anything since December 2019, but here I am, looking forward to write again. The global pandemic affects every single aspect in human's life in 2020, and without realizing it, 2021 is coming faster than what I expect. Time literally flies away, especially after being 'locked up' for 4 months in the UK, when sadly the weather was so perfect during the lockdown period (yes I only managed to go to supermarket and sometimes, park, when it's not so crowded).
A lot of things happened in 2020, from university, work and my other aspirations. Luckily, the pandemic does not stop me to strive for what I've been aiming for.
- IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON: Passed my MSc in Strategic Marketing with Merit!
- JOB: Secured a job in March 2020, started part-time work in May 2020 and now doing the full time DIGITAL MARKETING position :) HAPPY!
- OTHERS: Music project on the way, Youtube project on the way. This time I am really serious about it, not just for hobby, but to actually get myself back into the entertainment industry.
I am very thankful to God, that I managed to juggle everything in between and here I am, happily continuoing to achieve my dreams! London is not a wrong decision at all, it turned my 'intermission' period into a self-development period and I am getting ready to really give my full contribution to the society.
I need a motivation tho..... honestly.
If you followed my blog since years ago, I often write about my entertainment career life that I decided to stop in 2012 when I moved to Singapore. I was focusing much for university and office career, leaving a big part of my teenage years when I used to be in many bands, doing music gigs and commercials for work. Guess your true nature will be out once you reach this age beyond the mid-quarter life crisis, wanting to reflect your true personality and aspirations. I miss MUSIC. Yes, I do have access to my music instruments, even now in London (someone lend me her piano and I got my guitar and alto sax as well :p not to brag). But it's different now, I actually want to really reach my original dream to be a musician who is able to spread love and positivity through her music, beside being a professional in marketing industry (guess now is the time to 'market' my music). Looking back a bit at the past, I did extramile for my music career but it seems that my effort is just not enough. Somehow God led me to move abroad, to learn new perspectives, to try new things which I never expected before. Now that I've gained years of experience away from Indonesia, I have this urge to try again, getting back to the music industry which realistically speaking have to be started from Indonesia where I already secured connections and access to the music industry. So let me try again this time, God. Perhaps I will do better this time, after facing many sweet and painful memories from the past (more post about this later). I am sure, I'll do well. Bismillah.
At the time being, I am in London, Paddington to be specific, still working full-time as a digital marketer. But I also wanted to start my music and youtube channel again, right here right now. So that I don't procastinate. Wish me luck!
Bella Mazaya
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