19th Yeah Fun Day
Yup sorry for the late post [lol who cares haha]. I went to Mall Taman Anggrek like two days ago, but it was fun. Really. We were havin a lunch [late lunch actually] at Sushi Groove yeeeeaaaah thats rawks I love Japanese food.
Before the lunch, we went to sky-rink for ice-skatin our mind haha. Yeah and I havent been there for a long time maybe 5 mont
I'll only go to school on Wed and Thu, and the point is I still can meet em' on those days ! Haha but I enjoy this moment a lot wew. Freezing freezing and freezing so I can forget all of my problems lol ;p
My friends [IIHS School] from left to d rite : Rina, Bella, Shadrina, Tara, Ipin, Nita.
Okay I forgot, before the MTA thingy I went to one of my IIHS teacher's weddin party. But the condition there wasnt really good. Erm. Pic of me in the car otw to the wedding party, on the top lol. Okay done, hehe. See ya plz wait for my next post!
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